A collaborative online community that brings together photographers and creative professionals of every kind to find ways to keep photography relevant, respected, and profitable.
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We’ve changed our online habits these past years. The internet is right in our pocket, so we expect our mobiles to give us the information we ask for ASAP. Yet we have reached the point where we abandon our half-filled carts, read only the news titles and go through only half of those 25 pictures of cats doing crazy acrobatics. The culprit in most cases is the slow loading time for pages we’re visiting.
Every project brings forth new and creative ways in which professionals evolve; it’s a matter of overcoming obstacles and facing challenges. This creative evolution is obvious to the ones who live it, if not for the outcome, then surely from the set of skills acquired in the process. New skills mean a new perspective on future work and the ability to take on projects that were once cast to the side.
We’re very happy to announce that your tool widget box is now one item richer: dividers are now available on all liveBooks websites! These little assets will help you better organize your stacked pages, and subsequently, they will make it easier for your visitors to go through your content.
You should give buttons more credit when building your website. They can be extremely useful guides around your content for new visitors, and emphasize new projects for your usual guests. In this week’s article, we will explore the many uses buttons, where you can add them to your liveBooks websites and how to customize them.
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