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Kavira Kabambi, 15 year old survivor. Photographed by Sarah Fretwell.
The Truth Told Project
One girl or woman is raped every minute in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The rape is not random, as you might think. It is a power play that targets those who are not in a position to fight back. The rebel and military groups use rape as a scare tactic and way to control and destroy local communities. The DRC’s society is so broken rape is now “normalized.” Millions of girls, women and men have been raped. Many more will be raped in the time it takes you to read these few paragraphs. More »
Where the endless plains are abruptly transacted by the dramatic Rocky Mountains lies Blackfeet Country. A small community of people call this place home and this project is about the young people of that community. It is a glimpse into their world as they see and live it. Through my photographs, I want to show the triumphs and struggles that are unique to these youth. This project explores the power of place and illustrates how the natural environment and the challenge of reservation life affect a child’s experience.
These challenges unite the community and further strengthen family and neighborly bonds. In the absence of material excess, the children’s imaginations flourish. Without tightly packed schedules of extracurricular activities or the latest video games, children are drawn outdoors to explore and adventure.
My goal in this body of work is to honor the enduring strength, resilience and wisdom of these youth. The project speaks to a universal childhood. More »
On a visit to Cambodia in 2002 photographer Bill Smith was taken by a driver to the see the Phnom Penh Municipal Garbage Dump. This dump, located 20 miles outside the capital, was next to a village called Stung Meanchey. It was at this large garbage dump that Smith witnessed the horrible sight of hundreds of children digging through scraps for anything that could be sold. The children would go to the dump in the morning and not leave until the evening hours. They sifted through toxic trash and waded through dirty water to try and earn $10 a month that would help sustain their families.
The parents of the children had a lifespan of about 40 forty years due to working in the dump and being contaminated by toxins which would lead to TB, lung cancer and other diseases.
Smith and his wife Lauren, were shocked and decided to return to the dump and try and help at least one of these doomed children. They ended up sponsoring one child and then another and then another. Smith, his wife and friend Joe O’Neil soon formulated what would become A New Day Cambodia, a non-profit organization providing shelter, food and education to Cambodia’s garbage dump scavenger children.
Today, A New Day Cambodia (ANDC) has opened two centers that house over 100 children. The children go to school from 7am to 5pm six days a week. There are 14 full time staffers along with numerous volunteers that help teach English, geography, photography, and many other classes. The children receive medical care and meals along with exercise and athletic programs.
Please visit www.anewdaycambodia.org where you can see photographs and learn more about this extremely beneficial organization.
Viena Woodstone is a brave, beautiful, compassionate, gentle little girl who loves to play and dance. Unfortunately she has a life threatening illness.
The formal name for her condition is Cerebellar Seizures which means seizures originating from a lesion in her cerebellum which is also attached to her brain stem. It manifests as hundreds of localized seizures per day and is accompanied by a rapid and critical drop in oxygen. Viena’s condition is exceedingly rare. She is the first known case in Australia, and at last count, only the 12th case in the world. However at 18 months of age , when Viena received her formal diagnosis, she astounded her doctors by being ahead in all her developmental milestones.
Viena is going to undergo surgery on May 1st, 2012 at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne. Her surgery itself is free, however their family and friends are raising money to cover the significant expenses incurred during their six week stay in Melbourne. Expenses include travel, accommodations and extra child care. They believe subsequent surgeries are likely but won’t know for sure until after the surgery on May 1st.
Please visit Viena’s website and to learn more about her story and how you can donate.
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