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Andy Mars is an event photographer specializing in weddings, photo artist, and instructor (teaches digital photography and iPhone photo app classes & workshops). She currently resides in Avon, Connecticut and is a Studio Artist at Farmington Valley Arts Center. She is also the social media coordinator at FVAC. More »
Jim Vasquez been a photographer for over 30 years. He was a commercial photographer for 10 of those 30 years, but left due to some disillusionment and burnout. He was a master B&W printer, and continues to have a great passion for B&W. He quit printing years ago due to lower back issues from standing in front of an enlarger for hours on end, so needed to look elsewhere. The new digital age has reawakened his love for doing music photography, especially portraits! To see more of his work, visit his liveBooks website: http://jimvasquezphotography.com
Q: How would you describe the aesthetic of your website in three words?
JV: Simple, Visual, Graphic.
Q: How often do you typically update your website?
JV: Constantly. I like to find out what is working for me visually. I am always taking new images so I want to keep updating on a constant basis to keep interest in my work.
Q: How do you choose the photos that you display on your homepage?
JV: I went with a single photo that really says what I am all about. There are different views about a single image vs a collage. A single image should make a statement about your work and encourage the visitor to look further, “come on in”. A collage can be overload and appear busy. I struggle with this idea of keeping things simple and talk to art directors for their opinion. We live in an instant gratification age.
Q: What is your favorite new feature of liveBooks8?
JV: There are so many that it is hard to pick one. I like being able to individualize my site with customization on fonts, backgrounds, and colors.
Q: What’s one piece of advice you’d offer to someone designing their website?
JV: Show the work that defines you. In my early days I tried to cover all the bases and it just didn’t work. I am now doing what I love and I hope people see that in my work.
As a photographer you are providing an extremely valuable service to your clients. Whether you’re capturing once-in-a-lifetime moments like weddings, births, or graduations, snapping stunning landscapes, or creating powerful imagery for editorial campaigns, your photography is an expression of who you are as a creative. Blogging is a key aspect of developing and maintaining your brand and voice as a photographer, and there are numerous benefits to blogging regularly for your business. Below we’ve compiled some of the benefits of blogging, some quick and easy tips for getting started with a blog, and how to leverage your blog effectively for your business.
Benefits of Blogging
While your website is extremely important to showcase your business, work, and experience, a blog is a less formal way to showcase who you are, why you’re a photographer, and the type of value you can provide a prospective client. Since a blog should be updated much more frequently than a website, it allows you to showcase all your work in a more real-time fashion, plus you don’t have to be so concerned about picking and choosing your absolute best photos and can have more flexibility in showing off a variety of your work.
Blogs do wonders for your search engine optimization (SEO). Since good blogs are frequently updated with lots of interesting content, Google is constantly having to come back to your blog and catalog that content. A well-maintained and frequently updated blog can immensely improve your rankings with search engines – especially if your blog is connected to your website!
Additionally, a blog is an extremely effective way to establish your personal brand as a photographer. You can develop a unique voice thanks to the narrative style that blogging allows that will be easily recognizable by your clients.
Tips for Blogging
Blogging for Your Business
Once you’re ready and prepared to start up your blog, make sure that you have all the measures in place for it to effectively boost your business. Setup some sort of tracking metric, such as Google Analytics, so that you can track your blog analytics just like you would with your website. This will give you good insight into which posts generate buzz and are most popular with your audience. Utilize your social media channels to cross-promote your new blog posts. No one will know about it unless you tell them, plus this is also an additional way for you to track which posts seem to get shared most often. Don’t forget to optimize your blog for Google just as you would with your website – with descriptive, meaningful titles that actually describe the content of your post. Lastly, have an RSS feed so that your readers can subscribe to your blog and stay on top of your new content.
There’s no doubt that in this day and age having a blog for any type of business is extremely important. And because blogs are so heavily image-centric, it is especially relevant for photographers. What are some of your best practices for blogging? Do you have any unique tips that you’ve learned over the years?
Additional Resources:
How to Start a Photography Blog in 2018
The Secrets of Successful Photography Blogging
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