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Chad Chenier returned to his home state of Louisiana after receiving photography training in California. Upon returning he quickly started freelancing for local area magazines and getting my name out. He was hired on as a full time photographer at Louisiana Homes & Gardens Magazine. It was a state wide publication that featured Interior Design Homes all across the state – New Orleans, Lafayette, Baton Rouge, Shreveport, Alexandria, etc. He says, “It was great to go back to my home state and be able to express my love for architecture and interior design with photography. New Orleans in particular has so much character and mixes of different styles of architecture. It was wonderful!” 

Eventually, some of the home owners also inquired if he could photograph their commercial businesses. That launched his freelance career as an architectural / interior design photographer and now he services all of Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi, New York City, and Sante Fe, New Mexico. He is really excited about the future and being able to work with talented people all across the United States!  

Q1: How would you describe the aesthetic of your website in three words?

CC: Stunning Visual Presentation.

Q2: How often do you typically update your website?

CC: I update my website at least once every week.

Q3: How do you choose the photos that you display on your homepage?

CC: I choose photos for my home page that highlight the best of what I can do. Images of work that I would like to create more of – only the best.

Q4: What is your favorite new feature of liveBooks8?

CC: My favorite feature of liveBooks8 is showcasing new work to all my past clients quickly with a stunning web delivery.  I have really enjoyed my photography journey with help from liveBooks.

Q5: What’s one piece of advice you’d offer to someone designing their website?

CC: Refine the type of photography you want to create as your niche and build towards being the expert in your field and in your area.

Check out Chad Chenier Photography:

Rusty Bradford is a native Texan born and raised in west Texas. He moved to Santa Barbara, California to attend Brooks Institute of Photography where he acquired degrees in Advertising Photography & Industrial/Scientific Photography. Both gave him the knowledge to venture out into the world of advertising photography.

Rusty is an established Dallas photographer whose low-stress professional demeanor vividly contrasts to his edgy and explosive photographic style. Informed by his prolific experience with hundreds of photographers on countless locations around the country, Rusty has been able to cultivate a visual style that is uniquely his own. He specializes in product, food & drink photography.

2. How would you describe the aesthetic of your website in three words?
Clean, Simple, Functional.

3. How often do you typically update your website?
Typically twice a month I sit down and update photos or edit content to help maximize SEO capabilities.


4. How do you choose the photos that you display on your homepage?
I try to pick images that will capture the viewers attention fast. Know who your potential clients are and pick images that you feel with grab there attention and showcase your talents in those clients eyes.

5. What is your favorite new feature of liveBooks8?
Being able to maximize my SEO capabilities through the new admin interface is my favorite new feature. It has allowed my to greatly increase my index rankings thru google. This was crucial for me since more and more creatives seem to be finding talent this way.

6. What’s one piece of advice you’d offer to someone designing their website?
My one piece of advice for someone designing their website would be to start the process as soon as possible. There is always a learning curve and it takes a lot of trial and error to tweak the design to the exact way you want it. Be patient and try to have learn and absorb as much knowledge as you can from other people. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes at this point you will learn from them.

Check out more from Rusty’s website here.

Jean Karotkin is a self-taught documentary/portrait photographer. Born in Texas and New York-based, she began my career relatively late in life. Jean’s work explores different subcultures of women, including women in Cuba, drag queens, inmates in the largest women’s prison in the world. Her current project is Women Behind the Lens, important living female photographers to inspire the next generation. More »

Clemens Vanderwerf is a Dutch wildlife and nature photographer with a deep consideration and understanding of nature. He believes that by sharing the beauty of nature and wildlife through his images, he can create awareness for the changes that happen in our natural environment. Clemens always had an interest in photography but started to get serious in 2010 and followed his passion for documenting the natural world. Clemens believes that creating awareness though his images inspires people to act. More »


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