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Sample wedding photo stamps from Photo.Stamps.com
Most brides and life partners dream about their wedding day for a long time and want everything just perfect. Yet they can also get stressed out, focusing on everything they have to plan: wedding service venue, reception, guest list, photographer, dress, and flowers. So why not offer them items featuring your photography that not only take some pressure off of them, but that also increase your visibility and profit?
The wedding album will always be the big-ticket item, but there are many other opportunities to make the photos you’ve already taken do more work for you and your clients. With services such as Photo.stamps.com, Zazzle.com, and Pictureitpostage.com, you can offer clients the opportunity to put your photos of their happy faces on their stamps as well as Save the Date and RSVP, and thank you cards. You can charge a handling fee; the bride will have one fewer thing to worry about; and guests who receive something with your image on it will be more likely to remember your name when they’re looking for a photographer for their big day or family portraits. Just don’t forget to include your name with the images!
You can also suggest that busy, possibly cash-conscious brides consider custom books instead of albums for attendants and family members. They may not realize the full range of offerings, so show them some samples. There are lots of good options for these self-publishing services: Blurb.com, Asuka.com, Paperchase.net, and, of course, the good old iBook that comes with MAC software.
It is important to think outside the box since the competition is so fierce in today’s market. Offering items that others don’t sets you apart from your competition. And by offering items like stamps, special cards, or books, you give your clients a chance to stand out too. On that special day, that is their ultimate goal.
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April 22nd, 2009 at 9:02 am
Best Wedding Photographers » Blog Archive » Help your clients stand out from the crowd and you will too
[…] Sample wedding photo stamps from Photo.Stamps.com Most brides and life partners dream about their wedding day for a long time and want everything just perfect. Yet they can also get stressed out, focusing on everything they have to plan: wedding service venue, reception, guest list, photographer, dress, and flowers. So why not offer them items featuring your photography that not only take some pressure off of them, but that also increase your visibility and profit? The wedding album will Source: http://blog.livebooks.com/2009/04/help-your-clients-stand-out-from-the-crowd-and-you-will-too/ […]
April 22nd, 2009 at 12:04 pm
The Wedding Times » Help your clients stand out from the crowd and you will too
[…] Sample wedding photo stamps from Photo.Stamps.com Most brides and life partners dream about their wedding day for a long time and want everything just perfect. Yet they can also get stressed out, focusing on everything they have to plan: wedding service venue, reception, guest list, photographer, dress, and flowers. So why not offer them items featuring your photography that not only take some pressure off of them, but that also increase your visibility and profit? The wedding album will Source: http://blog.livebooks.com/2009/04/help-your-clients-stand-out-from-the-crowd-and-you-will-too/ […]
December 19th, 2009 at 4:31 am
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