A collaborative online community that brings together photographers and creative professionals of every kind to find ways to keep photography relevant, respected, and profitable.
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Andreas Roskvaag is an Advertising, Lifestyle, and Adventure photographer from Bergen, Norway. From base jumping to extreme kayaking, Andreas can be found photographing extreme sports and plunging into them as well. He has also dedicated part of his career to advertising and adventure photography. To see more of his work, visit his liveBooks8 website: www.andreasroksvaag.com.
I am 29 years old and have been photographing for about 10 years. I went to art school, but soon realized that I actually liked better to take pictures of what I made, than actually making it. So I started working in a local photography store, earning all the basics about DSLR cameras, developing film etc. Later I went two years at a photo school in Norway, which learned me to tell stories with my images. From there I went on my own missions to photograph tribes and people who do amazing things. In addition to photography, I’m a professional breakdancer and play around 200 theatre performances every year.
Q: How would you describe the aesthetic of your website in three words?
AR: Clean, easy to navigate, and great content
Q: How often do you typically update your website?
AR: Like every other photographer, I’m way too lazy in updating my website, but with the new liveBooks8, I feel that the barrier to update has become smaller and with the new easy to use interface it’s actually fun!
Q: How do you choose the photos that you display on your homepage?
AR: I always try to put out my best work, the images I feel stand out in my portfolio. I also try to tell stories. For example, my Tribes portfolio, I have a wide range of pictures, because I feel I need to show all the pictures and not just the five best.
Q: What is your favorite new feature of liveBooks8?
AR: My favorite new feature in liveBooks8 is the possibility to easily adjust the image galleries and add new galleries and photos.
Q: What’s one piece of advice you’d offer to someone designing their website?
AR: Make it clean, easy to navigate, and tell the world who YOU are!
Have a website you’d like us to feature? Email us at social@livebooks.com.
Lindsay Blatt earned a BFA in Photography from Pratt Institute and was honored with the Outstanding Merit in Photography award. Lindsay received a grant from The Brooklyn Arts Councin in support of her large-format photo essay on Brooklyn’s show repairmen, Repair & Shine, which has a solo show at Rabbit Hole Gallery. Her work has appeared in Harper’s Magazine, PDN, The Boston Globe’s Big Picture, Feature Shoot, Modern Farmer, and The New York Times. She also owns Archerfish, a full-service film and video production company with clients that include: Etsy, The Victoria & Albert Museum, and Fraunhofer; a non-profit that manufactures plant-based vaccines. She directed and produced the documentary film Herd in Iceland, which won over 15 festival awards and is airing on PBS. A few organizations where Lindsay has worked as a photo editor include: The New York Times, Instagram, UNICEF, Newsweek, and Vogue. She is currently taking on film and video commissions, as well as freelance photo-editing assignments. To see more of her work, visit: www.lindsayblatt.com.
My first role as a photo editor was with Newsweek, where I had the great opportunity to manage the annual special issues magazines. It was a mix of assigning and research, and as the only photo editor, I was able to work closely with the art director to bring a very specific visual voice to each of the publications. My work in film and video has happened alongside what I’ve been doing with print media. It started when I directed and produced the documentary Herd in Iceland, about the horse round-ups that happen each fall. Through the success of the film, I’ve received commissions from some amazing clients in need of documentary promo videos. I’ve just recently wrapped my first TV job, as an Associate Producer for the Showtime series Dark Net.
I am especially proud of the photo series I made while filming Herd in Iceland. I brought my 4×5 with the hope that I’d have some time to make photos, but the days were so packed with filming that there was little time leftover for photos. The few images I did make are a reminder of the experience, and all of the wonderful people I met along the way.
If you’re starting out in editing, identify the type of stories you’d like to work on and try to get a job at an organization that fits your interests. But also be open to working on something outside of your sphere of knowledge. One of the best projects I worked on was for the Business section of The New York Times, a desk that has a reputation for running stories that are a challenge to illustrate. Working on this feature about India’s beef ban with photographer Tom Jamieson was definitely a career highlight. If you are having a hard time getting a job, start by connecting with photographers you admire and offer your help with story development and editing.
We are excited to introduce Andrei to you today! He is one of our great production designers and has been with the team for about nine years. Throughout his time with liveBooks, he has grown to love the feeling of community with his co-workers. Fun fact about Andrei – he has a black cat names Nero!
Quick facts:
Hometown: Brasov, Romania
Favorite liveBooks Feature: The responsive editor
Favorite T.V. Show: Seinfeld
In his free time, you can often find Andrei….: Riding his bike!
Diptych and triptych images are here! With the ability to place two or three images side-by-side, your portfolios will now look exactly how you want them to. This new feature to the liveBooks8 platform allows you to place two or three images that can help bring contrast or opposition to your work. Follow these steps to start your diptych and triptych galleries:
4. Under the Type section, you must first select the Classic Slideshow option as it is the only gallery type that includes the Visible Items feature
5. Then look for the Visible Items slider below and Choose 1 to 3 images visible per slide. You will also see the Image Spacing area that you can add or remove spacing between the visible items.
6. Select Save and Publish to make it live now! (Your image gallery will look similar to the one below)
Is there a new liveBooks feature that you are excited to learn more about? Let us know at social@livebooks.com.
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