A collaborative online community that brings together photographers and creative professionals of every kind to find ways to keep photography relevant, respected, and profitable.
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The liveBooks team would like to wish you a Happy New Years. We know that with the beginning of a fresh new year, many people get wrapped up in new projects and goals. Why not make one of them cleaning up your website? Here are a few tips that will help get your website ready for a new year with a fresh start!
Sometimes you get caught up with work, whether it’s at photoshoots, editing images, creating editorials, and forget to update your website with the new images you’ve created. Updating your images is an important part of showcasing your work. This is especially important for your homepage. Now is a great time to look at your recent jobs and see which images would be best to showcase.
It’s important to check your external and internal links continuously throughout the year. Links that don’t lead your audience anywhere create a poor user experience. They are less likely to go back to your website once this happens. It is especially important to check external links as other websites may change page names, website URLs, etc. Internal links are equally as important but are under your control. Check these every time you change a page name within your website.
SEO is one of the most important aspects of your website! The liveBooks8 platform allows you to control SEO on a page/photo level as well as as on a site-wide level. It’s important that all of your SEO tags, descriptions and titles be up-to-date. Now is a great moment to look over these parts of your website. Still need some help understanding what SEO is and how you can optimize it on your website? Read our SEO Everything™ article!
As a new year begins, it brings the opportunity to showcase new works and events that you would like your clients to see and attend. Potential clients interested in attending your events and conferences could be lost if they see that you have not updated information for the 2017 year.
Your website’s copyright year will not automatically update. Make sure that if you have a copyright on your website, to change the year from 2016 to 2017! This is especially important in the footer – the place where most people forget to look through.
These simple tips will make your website look both cleaner and more professional. As the new year begins, make sure to set aside some time to complete these tasks. They will make your website look both more professional and will help attract the right clients in 2017.
Nancy Ney’s website is our first featured website of the week for 2017! Nancy has dedicated the majority of her career to Advertising Photography. As a result of traveling for the last few years, she has shifted some of her career focus to be dedicated to fine art travel images. To see more her work, visit her liveBooks8 website: www.nancyney.com
I started working in NYC as a production assistant when I was in my early 20s. I was very interested in photography and began shooting production stills on the set and developing and printing them to give to the clients. From there, I started testing with models and put a fashion book together. I got a big client right away. Jacques Cohen Espadrilles with a full color ad in French Officiale. It wasn’t too long before I opened my first studio on Union Square and started working in fashion and advertising. I had a long career in N.Y. eventually buying a loft at 620 Broadway in 1996 and selling it in 2011.
Winner of IPA International Award in 2016
How would you describe the aesthetic of your website in three words?
NN: The aesthetic of my website in three words would be Fine, Art, Travel.
How often do you typically update your website?
NN: I will update the website after I come back from visiting a new locale. So usually about four times a year with some updates in between.
How do you choose the photos that you display on your homepage?
NN: Choosing the photos to display is a painstaking task. Since I shoot in a 2×3 ratio and the homepage images are square, usually it is an image I love that crops well to a square!
What is your favorite new feature of liveBooks8?
NN: I guess my favorite new feature on liveBooks8 is the ability to see the way all the different platforms will look in the design center.
What’s one piece of advice you’d offer to someone designing their website?
NN: If I were offering advice about designing a photography website, it would be to keep the format simple and clean and be ruthless about your editing.
Have a website you’d like us to feature? Email us at social@livebooks.com.
Founded by Jack Glasser in 2005 with the taking of one senior graduation portrait, Glasser Images has grown and continues to grow into the future. This is driven by Jack’s passion for photography, creativity, and entrepreneurship as well as his vision for the company. To see more of Glasser Images, visit the liveBooks8 website: www.glasserimages.com
The goal of Glasser Images is to provide outstanding, personalized service and create quality and creative images that captures personality.
With a fresh, new, and modern perspective, Glasser Images creates and captures unique images. Whether in need of wedding photography and video, senior graduation pictures, family photos, or commercial photography and video, Glasser Images has a simple style and approach with a common goal – quality work.
JG: Clean, simple, and smart.
JG: We try to update with fresh images and featured posts every few weeks. If I have an idea to enhance the site, I update the site with the idea right away or write it down to implement at a better time.
JG: I choose at least one image from each of our photographers. I also wanted images to be eye catching, go together, and have the right colors.
JG: The customizability which has allowed me to display more information in an organized way in order to showcase our services better and connect services and/or pages together (i.e. wedding photography and engagement photos, links to the contact page, etc.)
JG: Don’t wait for it to be perfect or else you will never get it launched. A website should be an organic and changing marketing tool that changes based on your customers and the market.
Have a website you’d like us to feature? Email us at social@livebooks.com.
The liveBooks team would like to wish you Happy Holidays! We hope that this holiday season brings happiness and joy to you and your loved one.
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