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Michael Soluri 1

Michael R. Soluri is a New York City based fine art documentary photographer, speaker and author of Infinite Worlds: the People and Places of Space Exploration (Simon & Schuster). His work is widely published, exhibited and in permanent collections. He also has made presentation at a number of national museums and NASA related venues. Michael’s photography has appeared in numerous American, European, and Brazilian print and online publications like WIRED, Smithsonian Magazine, New Scientist, New York Times, Time, Discover, Air & Space, NPR, Family Circle, Mother Earth News, Wired UK, Grazia, Amica, Vogue Brasil and Claudia. To see more of Michael’s work, visit his liveBooks8 website:


Q: How would you describe the aesthetic of your website in three words?

MS: Visual, elegant, graphic.

Q: How often do you typically update your website?

MS: I seek consistency in my visual branding. As a result, there is not any set time. I typically update when I feel a need to revise gallery images, copy text, or make new additions to my Media.

Q: How do you choose the photos you display on your homepage?

MS: Because my website is custom-designed, I use only one photograph. As a result, it is a challenging communication process based on an essential question that I explore from the user point-of-view: What is the visual essence of what I do?

Q: What is your favorite new feature of liveBooks8?

MS: Personal control over the design specifications, aesthetics, and gallery elements of my site.


Q: What’s one piece of advice you’d offer someone designing their website?

MS: Patience. It’s a learning curve. Be prepared for a creative journey in designing and implementing every aspect of your site.


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Tuesdays Tip

A blog page is a great way to create content and keep your visitors engaged.  When clients visit your website, they want to know your story and learn more about your work. Blogs allow you to do just this! Creating new entries can showcase your work while giving a brief story. In addition,they help establish yourself to your audience as someone who has authority in your line of work as well as create opportunities by bringing in additional traffic to your website.

Whether you choose to create a blog for your personal enjoyment or to enhance your professional rapport (or both), liveBooks is happy to help get you started on your blog!

Setting up your blog

  1. Select Content from the Navigation Bar
  2. Select Add New Pages

Tuesday Tip 1

3. Select Blog and then select Add

Tuesday Tip 2

 Adding a new blog post

  1. Select Content from the navigation bar
  2. Select your Blog page and scroll down to the Posts block
  3. Select Add new post

Tuesday Tip 3

4. You can enter a Title, Date, Author. Create your blog post in Description and add any related images.

You can also add many type of additional content blocks, such as a Video, Image Gallery, and Contact Information.

Limiting posts per page

  1. Select Content
  2. Select the Blog page
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the posts block and click on the field labeled Posts per page
  4. Select the number of posts that you would like to appear before the user has to click into the next page.

Tuesday Tip 4

NOTE: If you are looking for another blog option, liveBooks offers a custom-designed blog that mimics the look and feel of your site based on a version of the WordPress platform. If you are interested, please contact the support team for more information at!


Posted in Photography

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Photographer Stephen Guenther has more than twenty years of creative direction in film, video, interactive and print. Functioning as Design Director, Film Director, Excecutive Producer and Creative Lead. His clients have run gamut from S.C. Johnson on the corporate side to Lions Clubs International on the nonprofit side. To see more of his work, visit his liveBooks8 website:

Stephen Guenther 1

I have always “had” a camera, since the age of around ten (Micky Mouse 127 mm) but it wasn’t until I accidentally ended up in a darkroom in college that the magic inspired me to turn from psychology to photography. Perceptual psychology had been an on-going focus. (pun intended). Digital of course has changed the whole process. I enjoy the mechanics of photography, but I try to only have and carry the minimal equipment that works for me. I continue to reduce the weight and increase the quality of my work, Sony equipment now fills that need.

My industry is of course evolving…I started out in a fine art mode with some corporate photography. But in the last ten + years I have been able to travel the globe documenting NGO humanitarian efforts with both photography and film. The NGO work has been life-altering, and travel side of it was also inspiring in being able to open a larger view of the world…I now blend my fine art background with these genres to offer a personal vision in both.

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Q: How would you describe the aesthetic of your website in three words?

SG: Direct, clean and personal.

Stephen Guenther 3

Q: How often do you typically update your website?

SG: Seems like an almost seasonal pattern, though the seasons are not really represented in the images.

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Q: How do you choose the photos that display on your homepage?

SG: Photographers generally like newer work the best, yet sometimes, depending on travel or need I will re-discover in my image database an image that was forgotten and now re-born.

Stephen Guenther 8

Q: What is your favorite new feature of liveBooks8?

SG: Since I also do work in video, the new display of videos is perfect for my video clients.

Q: What’s one piece of advice you’d offer to someone designing their website?

SG: Don’t try to present something to please others or attempt to isolate your skills. Make it personal, make it subjective…something that allows you to share your unique vision.

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Stephen Guenther 6

Stephen Guenther 7

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Stuart Isett Homepage

My earliest long-term photography project was a 3 year documentary photoessay on Cambodian refugees and street gangs in the U.S., something I worked on while doing my masters in Photography at Columbia College in Chicago. As an undergraduate student, I’d studied Southeast Asian studies and Thai language to it was only natural to start my professional career based in Bangkok, Thailand covering Southeast Asia. Clients included The New York Times, Time Magazine, Newsweek, and several European and Asian-based publications. I worked on assignment as well as my own documentary projects throughout the region. I continued this kind of work later based in Tokyo and then Paris, France.

Nowadays I do less editorial work and more corporate and commercial work and have been living and working out of Seattle for the better part of a decade although I continue to travel and work in Asia. To see more of Stuart’s work, visit his liveBooks8 website:

Stuart Isett 1

Q: How would you describe the aesthetic of your website in three words?

SI: Big and bold. As a lot of my older work was shot on slide film or b/w negative, I worked hard making sure the colors and quality of those images matches more recent digital work. Too many photojournalists don’t do that with older slide work and I think it’s important that images on my website, whether editorial or commercial, look their best.

11/6/2014—Seattle, WA, USA Niranjan Balasubramanian working at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence. The Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (abbreviated AI2) is a research institute funded by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen to achieve scientific breakthroughs by constructing AI systems with reasoning, learning and reading capabilities. Oren Etzioni was appointed by Paul Allen in September 2013 to direct the research at the institute Photograph by Stuart Isett ©2014 Stuart Isett. All rights reserved.

Q: How often do you typically update your website?

SI: Every few weeks I’ll add photos, then pull older ones. My portfolio is always a work in progress, always evolving. Like most photographers, I’m on my own worst editor. I’ll tweak the design a few times a year.

9/1/2013--Busan, South Korea The Korean k-pop band "Tren-D" film a video on Dongbaek Island Park in Busan (Pusan) with eth city skyline behind. Photograph by Stuart Isett ©2013 Stuart Isett. All rights reserved.

Q: How do you choose the photos that you display on your homepage?

SI: My roots are as a photojournalist so even though most of my work these days is corporate and commercial, I try to balance what I do today with my roots as a documentarian and show that on the homepage.

Q: What is your favorite new feature of liveBooks8?

SI: Well I sues the old system for close to a decade so plenty to like about liveBooks8, but the ability to edit, modify, and add images is key for me.

9/4/2013--Busan, South Korea Gwangan Bridge in Busan (Pusan). Photograph by Stuart Isett ©2013 Stuart Isett. All rights reserved.

Q: What’s one piece of advice you’d offer to someone designing their website?

SI: Make sure your images are technically consistent across the website. This is more true for photojournalists who need to learn the design skills for some of their commercial brethren and not simply throw images up. Design is important, even if you are a documentary photographer.

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12/16/2004--Millau, France The Millau Bridge is considered to be the world's tallest. One of the Millau bridge's pillars reaches more than eleven-hundred feet into the air, making it more than 50 feet taller than the Eiffel Tower. Designed by British architect, Norman Foster, the $523 million dollar bridge opens a new link between Paris and the Mediterranean. Photograph by Stuart Isett ©2010 Stuart Isett. All rights reserved

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