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Being able to create and deliver an elevator pitch is fundamental to any good marketing plan. In the final installment of a 4 part series, liveBooks Inc. CEO Andy Patrick discusses the value in being able to state your elevator when it counts.
Being able to manage and grow your contact database is essential for all working photographers. In part 3 of a 4 part series, liveBooks Inc. CEO Andy Patrick discusses some effective ways to manage and grow your database.
Developing a brand is crucial to the success of any business. In part 2 of a 4 part series, liveBooks, Inc. CEO Andy Patrick discusses the value of branding and how to develop your personal brand.
The About section is an important part of your website. In part 1 of a 4 part series, liveBooks, Inc. CEO Andy Patrick discusses the value of a great About section and how to go about creating one.
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build brand recognition across social
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