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Brand Advocates can create some of the best value for any small business or emerging brand. Advocacy for your brand has a vital impact in driving awareness, creating conversation and generating more business. Cultivating brand advocates who are excited to share their experiences with others can be a low-cost, high-return marketing strategy.

Essentially a Brand Advocate is someone who enjoys your product or service so much they are eager to tell others about it. Brand advocates can be online influencers with a large social media audience, people who are active or well-respected in their industry or your customers. Here are some ways to turn a customer or industry influencer into an active, engaged advocate for your brand: More »

Posted in Marketing
March 26th, 2014

How to Write a Photography Proposal

Posted by liveBooks

As a photographer being able to appropriately charge for your time and expertise is essential. Photographer Kelsey Foster breaks down what can be a challenging process and shares with us her tips on putting together an effective photography proposal.

Writing a photography proposal is a learned process. I still learn something new every time I need to write one. Everyone has a slightly different way of doing things, so you have to figure out what works best for you.

Writing an estimate is essential for large advertising jobs. Editorial jobs for magazines and newspapers often approach you with a predetermined budget. Wedding and portrait photographers often structure their form and fees differently. No matter what type of photographer you are, being able to appropriately charge for your time and expertise is essential. These tips will help you think about what, and how much, to charge a prospective client. More »

Posted in Business / Marketing

Media-education blogger Amy Cobb gives the liveBooks community some tips on how to build your personal brand using Instagram without giving away your work for free.

Is Instagram revolutionizing photography? This is a stale question at this point. We all know that Instagram owns the right to use your photo if you post it with their app, and that it has potentially democratized photography – everyone can be a photographer now, and the photographer with the most followers wins! (What they “win” we have yet to know). Nevertheless, while iPhone and Instagram-only weddings have occurred, they are still by far the exception. Photographers that hope to make money from their photographs – and not just from contests sponsored by corporations – can use Instagram to help establish their personal brand without giving all their work away for free. More »

September 16th, 2013

How to Leverage Your Contacts

Posted by liveBooks

how_to_leverage_your_contactsTaking time each week to leverage your contacts is one of the most basic things you can do to ensure that your business continues to grow. Even though they are already in your address book, maximizing your relationships takes time, consistency and focus. Your network includes past clients, current clients and all of your prospects.


Mantaining Your List

Did you know that 40% of creatives at advertising agencies change jobs each year? 40%! So that great Art Director that you worked with last month may not be there next month. Where did they go? Who took their place? More »


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