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February 6th, 2009

Ed Kashi: Travels in India 1

Posted by Ed Kashi

Photojournalist Ed Kashi traveled to India with his family in early January to teach a National Geographic Photo Camp near Udaipur in Rajasthan. Ed is not only an award-winning photographer on the cutting edge of storytelling techniques, he’s also an eloquent thinker about the issues photographers like him deal with every day. In these personal reflections from his trip, he talks honestly about his own struggles to balance work and family, to connect with the children at the photo camp, and to understand where photography is heading. Be sure to check out “Ed Kashi: Travels in India 2.”
Ed Kashi's son Eli and wife Julie in the back of a rickshaw in Jaipur, India in January.

Ed's son Eli and wife Julie in the back of a rickshaw in Jaipur, India, in January. © Ed Kashi


I am on a rare vacation with my family, traveling around Rajashtan, India for two weeks over the Christmas, New Year break. My nearly 11-year-old daughter Isabel is gaga over animals and continues to fall in love with every stray dog, monkey, cow or other animal, of which there are countless on the streets of India. We are in Udaipur, a lovely city tucked in the hills of southern Rajashtan, where today our rickshaw driver suggested out of the blue that we go to a place called Animal Aid. It is an animal shelter and rehab clinic run by an American couple and their 19 year old daughter, who moved from Seattle seven years ago. Just earlier today we had been talking to Isabel about going to a veterinarian to watch how they care for animals, so it was providence that brought this suggestion to us. Once we arrived, it dawned on us that not only had we chanced upon a discovery for Isabel that could lead to a summer volunteering opportunity, but we might also have found a story idea for one of our clients back home. As I say over and over again to students, keep an open heart and open mind, and you never know what life will bring you. Here was a perfect example of that.

Be Part of the RESOLUTION: Most photographer know that locals like cab drivers and waiters can be a great resource for inside information when you’re in an unfamiliar place. Anyone have other stories about locals who helped them find a special photo story?


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