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August 5th, 2018

The Importance of Having a Mobile Responsive Website

Posted by liveBooks

The Importance of Having a Mobile Responsive Website

If you haven’t already, ensuring your website is easy and engaging to use on a wide variety of mobile devices should be one of your top priorities to do before the end of 2018. With over half of all internet searches and surveys showing that nearly 60% of users won’t recommend a business with a poorly-designed mobile site, any business that doesn’t have a mobile-friendly website will lose out in profits — big time.

What is mobile responsiveness?

Mobile responsive websites are ones that easily adapt to mobile devices (such as cell phones, tablets, and smaller mobile laptops). This means that they automatically detect which size screen the device has, and adjusts sizing of images, text, buttons, links, and more so that anyone on any device can have a great experience on the website.

How to Know If Your Website is Mobile Responsive

If you aren’t sure how to tell if your website is ready for all those mobile visitors, head on over to our other blog post to find out!

What if my website isn’t mobile responsive?

There are several key issues that would directly affect your business if your website isn’t already mobile-friendly.

  1. Depletion of brand. Anyone who visits your website (whether they already know about your business or not) and doesn’t have a good experience while there on a mobile device will be a lot less likely to hire you, purchase from you, or refer you to others they know. This affects how they will see your brand from this point forward, and can have lingering long-term effects.
  2. Poor customer retention. Many of the most successful businesses of any kind these days are utilizing their website to retain happy customers. If they can’t use your website to find information, get answers to questions, and more while on-the-go, they may switch to another company whose website is more mobile-friendly.
  3. Loss of profits. Your bottom line depends on it! No matter where your website visitors come from (directly typing in the URL, linking to it from social media, or finding you in a Google search), if they are visiting on mobile and don’t purchase from you because of a negative experience, you lose money.

Design a Mobile Friendly Website Today!

liveBooks offers mobile-responsive, customizable website templates for creative professionals and businesses worldwide.

The best part? Our website designs are ready for search engines and look great on any mobile device!

We’ve also got a top-notch support team who’s here to help you every step of the way. Start for free here.

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