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Photographer Stephen Guenther has more than twenty years of creative direction in film, video, interactive and print. Functioning as Design Director, Film Director, Excecutive Producer and Creative Lead. His clients have run gamut from S.C. Johnson on the corporate side to Lions Clubs International on the nonprofit side. To see more of his work, visit his liveBooks8 website: www.stephenguenther.com.
I have always “had” a camera, since the age of around ten (Micky Mouse 127 mm) but it wasn’t until I accidentally ended up in a darkroom in college that the magic inspired me to turn from psychology to photography. Perceptual psychology had been an on-going focus. (pun intended). Digital of course has changed the whole process. I enjoy the mechanics of photography, but I try to only have and carry the minimal equipment that works for me. I continue to reduce the weight and increase the quality of my work, Sony equipment now fills that need.
My industry is of course evolving…I started out in a fine art mode with some corporate photography. But in the last ten + years I have been able to travel the globe documenting NGO humanitarian efforts with both photography and film. The NGO work has been life-altering, and travel side of it was also inspiring in being able to open a larger view of the world…I now blend my fine art background with these genres to offer a personal vision in both.
SG: Direct, clean and personal.
SG: Seems like an almost seasonal pattern, though the seasons are not really represented in the images.
SG: Photographers generally like newer work the best, yet sometimes, depending on travel or need I will re-discover in my image database an image that was forgotten and now re-born.
SG: Since I also do work in video, the new display of videos is perfect for my video clients.
SG: Don’t try to present something to please others or attempt to isolate your skills. Make it personal, make it subjective…something that allows you to share your unique vision.
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