A collaborative online community that brings together photographers and creative professionals of every kind to find ways to keep photography relevant, respected, and profitable.
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We are absolutely loving the new liveBooks8 platform, and we know that you will too! With endless new features, such as advanced SEO tools and options for customizations, we are excited to provide you and your business with a dynamic and easy-to-use web design platform.
liveBooks8 is an advanced yet intuitive website designer with in-line editing. Additional features include:
Migration Quick Facts:
Click here to pick your current migration option now!
Note: there are still a few features that are not yet available on our new HTML5 platform. These include: client proofing, password protected pages, and splash animation.
If you are brand new to liveBooks and would like to start creating your interactive HTML5 site, sign up for our free 14-day trial by clicking here.
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build brand recognition across social
channels. Learn more...
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