A collaborative online community that brings together photographers and creative professionals of every kind to find ways to keep photography relevant, respected, and profitable.
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Photographer Stephen Guenther has been all around the world taking stunning photos and videos. We absolutely love how his images command the screen on his website and his video integration – which is why we wanted to feature his site this week.
Enjoy his commentary on his site’s creation and then head on over to www.stephenguenther.com to see more amazing work!
Q: How would you describe the aesthetic of your website in three words?
SG: Contemporary, Clean, Inviting.
Q: How do you choose the photos that you display on your homepage?
SG: It can be challenging. Of course every photographer has a “new” image that they are in love with, but keeping the client’s eye in mind is important. Finding the balance between a personal aesthetic and one that is marketable is also important. Using creative friends to double check your selections can be enlightening.
Q: How often do you update your website?
SG: The landing page and color palette is adjusted quarterly so that regular visitors will easily notice the change, which will invite them to explore and look for other new images.
Q: What is your favorite feature that liveBooks offers?
SG: Actually a couple features. Low learning curve was key, and recently the ability to link a Vimeo collection of videos is amazing, as many photographers move into motion work.
Q: What’s one piece of advice you’d offer to someone designing their website?
SG: Look at a lot of other photographer’s websites. Have a strategy before you begin, remember do not just “populate” your website with images. And be willing to showcase your personal vision and to take some calculated risks in the process to help differentiate your work from others.
Have a website you’d like us to feature? Email us at social@livebooks.com.
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