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You may have heard of a recently discovered security issue – called Heartbleed – that has impacted many sites on the internet this week, including liveBooks. Heartbleed affected OpenSSL, a type of technology websites use to keep information secure as it travels through the web.
We took immediate action to fix the vulnerability in our infrastructure. And although we have not found any evidence of malicious behavior, it is a good idea to frequently reset your passwords. The instructions to reset your editSuite passwords are below.
When changing your passwords please remember:
• Avoid using simple passwords based on dictionary words
• Never use the same password on multiple sites
Changing your editSuite username and password:
1. In editSuite go to the Resources tab
2. Select Account Info/Passwords
3. On the right side select the user account that you wish to modify
To change the password check the “Change Password” box and enter the new password in both password fields. It must be at least 5 characters.
To change the username replace the current username with the new one.
You must have an email address in the “Email” field as this is where the login page’s “Forgot username or password?” function will send information if you request it.
To save your changes be sure to click both “OK” for the user account and “Save” in the lower right corner of the editSuite.
We take information protection very seriously and will continue to work to ensure that appropriate measures are taken to protect your personal information. If you have any questions or concerns please email us at support@livebooks.com.
For more information on this vulnerability, also known as “Heartbleed” visit http://heartbleed.com.
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