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September 28th, 2018

11 advantages of using a website builder for your business’ online presence

Posted by liveBooks


The website builder has grown in popularity as the one-stop-shop for your business’ online representation. A relevant indicator of this status quo is a quick Google search for “website for business”. All links from the first page lead to website builders.

The debate between custom development and website builders rages on and there’s no denying that they both have their pros and cons. So what sets them apart is not what they can do for their clients, but what their clients need from them.

What is it about website builders that attract so many business owners? We compiled a list of 11 major advantages that a website builder has on coding a website from scratch.

  1. It’s fast to set up. Hiring a professional developer is going to take some time. From finding them until your website is up and running you’re looking at a couple of months of work. In comparison, a DIY template website is ready for the internet in less than two hours.
  2. It’s cost-effective. The monthly or yearly subscription you’ll pay for your template and maintenance is nothing compared to what a developer will charge you.
  3. You have full control of your content and design. Changes will occur on your website: whether to add new media, structural items or even a new phone number for your office. Being able to make those updates as soon as they happen keeps your clients happy and your business booming.
  4. Regular platform updates. Your website building provider will certainly keep up with the universal technological trends and developments. What this means is that your website will be updated frequently to its highest standard.
  5. A wide range of updated features. When building your website you have access to a large variety of features that help you organize and display your content with optimal efficiency. Add regular updates to these assets and you’ve got yourself a reliable website that never goes out of style and functionality.
  6. You’re not limited to What You See Is What You Get. While website templates might answer most needs of the regular business owner, it’s comforting to know that website building companies have in-house developers and designers who can further customize any website template.
  7. Proper SEO. Search Engine Optimization, or rather the lack of, was often used to bring out the flaws in website builders. This couldn’t be farther from the truth, with integrated SEO tools that cover everything from sitewide, to page, item and image optimization.
  8. Domain name, web hosting and SSL certificate included. Added benefits such as these mean fewer headaches for you, especially if website development is not your college major. In short, your website can have any name you desire, it will be in good hands and will be safe to navigate.
  9. Make a website straight from your phone or tablet. Building a website from scratch will take eons. Choosing a Drag and Drop website template, on the other hand, will guarantee you’ll have your new website up and running in a couple of hours.
  10. Third party apps. Track your website traffic with plug-ins that are easy to add to your website. Integrating them requires no coding from your end, and should things start to seem a little scary, remember there’s always No. 11 on our list.
  11. Valuable customer support. Every day of the week you can chat, email or call a great team of professionals to help you with any stumbles you might come across regarding your website. It’s good to know that for someone out there, you’re website is their top priority.

We want to know how website builders work in your favor! Comment below your favorite aspect of creating your own website.

Didn’t make a website before? Sign up for a free 14 days trial and get your website up and running in no time!


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