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July 31st, 2018

One liveBooks Account, Multiple Websites

Posted by liveBooks

The online world has established itself as one of the steadiest growing media of our times. This expansion has brought forth another expanding area: the number of accounts we create to use or access personalized data on different websites, whether to procrastinate, shop or to plan our vacations. We’re up to our heads in accounts and passwords, and most of the time we’re fine with it, because keeping our info safe, especially when it comes to billing, is of great importance.

So what happens when we want to build an active and easy to update website for our business? We create an account. And what if we want to create a second website for a project ran by our business? With the liveBooks website builder, the second account is no longer necessary – the liveBooks platform allows all its users to create an unlimited amount of websites from one account. Each website will have their own individual template and content, and comes with a 14-day free trial.

How to create a new site in 5 seconds

  1. From your account select Active Site from the top navigation bar.
  2. Click Create New Site from the dropdown. 
  3. When prompted, select a template and choose a name for your new website. It’s that easy!

To switch between websites select Active Site from the nav bar and select from the dropdown which website you want to view or edit.

This feature is incredibly useful for businesses who provide different services or products and require more than one website to reach their audience. It’s also ideal for specific branches of a polyvalent business, for marketing campaigns or individual projects.

As a matter of fact, your second, third or fourth website can be whatever your imagination – or your business – desires. And with one account to access all, keeping track of your vision has never been easier.

Create an account for free today and join the community of liveBooks professionals.

Posted in Website Tips

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