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September 27th, 2016

Diptych and Triptych Images | Tuesday’s Tip

Posted by liveBooks

Tuesdays Tip

Diptych and triptych images are here! With the ability to place two or three images side-by-side, your portfolios will now look exactly how you want them to. This new feature to the liveBooks8 platform allows you to place two or three images that can help bring contrast or opposition to your work. Follow these steps to start your diptych and triptych galleries:

  1. Select Design from the navigation bar and navigate to the page that contains your Image Gallery
  2. Select the Page tab at the top of the righthand design panel
  3. Select your Image Gallery from the list of blocks on your page


4. Under the Type section, you must first select the Classic Slideshow option as it is the only gallery type that includes the Visible Items feature


5. Then look for the Visible Items slider below and Choose 1 to 3 images visible per slide. You will also see the Image Spacing area that you can add or remove spacing between the visible items.


6. Select Save and Publish to make it live now! (Your image gallery will look similar to the one below)


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