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June 18th, 2012

In The Make: Samira Yamin’s art through documentary war photography

Posted by liveBooks

Samira Yamin’s work deals primarily with the narrativization and representation of war through an interrogation of documentary war photography. Recently she was a resident artist at Headlands Center for the Arts, and while there she was working on two bodies of work: Geometries, a series in which she meticulously hand-cuts Islamic sacred geometries onto TIME Magazine articles about current wars in the Middle East; and a series of short stories called Charlie the repeatedly and obsessively narrate a single photograph of two soldiers dragging a dead Iraqi face-down in the dirt. She’s driven by a pressing necessity to confront the imagery of wartime photojournalism and its relationship to our systems of acquiring and distributing knowledge. Her engagement with this material is two-fold: analytical yet teeming with emotion.

To read the full post and see images from her studio click here.


Photo courtesy of Klea McKenna

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