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July 1st, 2010

Effective Graphic Design

Posted by liveBooks

Need a logo but not sure how to get one? Well, you’ll need a designer. We have some expertise with this enigmatic species (ahem), so we put together some tips to help.

1. That aspiring graphic designer who lives next door…

is a really nice guy, but he’s merely one choice among many. Don’t mistake convenience for quality. Building your brand is a very important aspect of your business. Treat it that way. Be prepared to explore the options, deliberate carefully and invest appropriately.

2. Look around.

There are a ton of designers out there who would be psyched to work on a brand like yours. Not sure where to find them? Ask around, especially to friends whose style you admire. Like Kevin Bacon, you are seldom more than six degrees away. Especially if you’re a creative pro yourself.

3. Look carefully.

When reviewing portfolios, look beyond the surface. Great design is more than a pretty logo; it’s strategic, it adds meaning, and it elicits an emotional response. Also, it’s a good idea to look for a designer with a range of visual styles. You don’t want a one-trick pony, because you don’t know yet what trick will work best for your brand.

4. Give them something to work with.

The more information you provide, the better the result. Your designer needs to get a strong sense of you, your work, your perspective, your specialty and your needs/expectations. For instance, if your logo has to be legible underwater, that’s going to point in a very different direction than if you said 75% of your clients read Braille.

5. Your awesome logo idea? Not the only solution.

In fact, it might not be a solution at all. Let your designer do his/her job. There’s a very good chance they’ll surprise you with something you couldn’t have imagined on your own. Isn’t that the reason you hired them in the first place?

6. Use your words.

When giving feedback, make sure you can back up your opinions with clear reasons or feelings. “I hate it” is okay, but “I hate it because it’s gloomy and dark and makes me look like I have a vampire fetish” offers a lot more information to direct the next round.

7. Leave your mom out of this.

She’s got great taste, no doubt, but she’s not your target audience. Neither is your brother or your girlfriend or even you, for that matter. Go back to your business goals. Will this design speak to the people you want to reach?

8. Trust your designer. And your gut.

Your designer has done this before. S/he probably has some valuable perspective to offer. Listen to it. And then listen to your gut. Your brand, like your work, is an expression of who you are. You’ll know when it’s right.

One Comment

  1. August 7th, 2010 at 4:30 pm

    The Top 5 Posts on Resolve to Help you Build Your Business | Success With liveBooks

    […] Effective Graphic Design […]

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